
時間 2021-05-07 02:09:29



其他如carry, 就既可以是搬(更常見),也可以是挑,還可以是用頭扛。


如 He hurtled towards me. (他朝我衝過來,可能帶有敵意,或者某種不可控在裡面)

He ran towards me. (他朝我跑過來,這個跑是什麼樣的跑呢,可以是有敵意的、興高采烈的,面無表情的、氣定神閒、驚訝的....總之100種可能性)。


The word you are looking for is simply the word 「shoulder」.

As a Verb, 「shoulder」 means:

1. carry something on shoulder;

2. assume responsibilities.

Here are some sample sentences using the word 「shoulder」:

a. Daily he walks five miles shouldering two buckets of water attached to each end of a yoke.

b. Every day he carries two buckets of water (attached to either end of a yoke over his shoulder/on a shoulder yoke), and walks five miles home from the river where he draws the water.

c. Since sixteen, she has been shouldering the responsibility to provide for his family of five by working three jobs.

d. This new recruit is a fast learner, and he can easily shoulder more responsibilities in no time at all.


歪個樓。I heard him driving his pig to the market last night.我聽說他昨晚騎著豬去超市?呵呵,昨晚我聽到他鼾聲如雷 手動再見。 chaos 英文表達直接,而且歸類性強,同一型別的基本乙個詞就可以概括,中文卻要分情況有好多種說法 例 a 乙個,乙隻,...


我想到的就是presentation和portfolio,很多人都愛直接說英文,很少翻譯過來的,身邊的同學大家也都懂的。 ilovesakaiizumi 中中國人 we drive on the right side.英中國人 we drive on the correct side. 愁請看項籍並...


itsmh 語言之間吧,最特殊的就是說話的邏輯思維不一樣。比如英語裡面喜歡把主語提前,修飾的形容詞放背後,例如the man who wears a big hat,到了中文裡,就變成了乙個戴大帽子的男人。所以在說英語的時候呢,就要巧妙運用從句啦!如果你看歐美影視劇多點的話你就會發現,中中國人與英語...