
時間 2021-06-02 22:54:56


偶函式的最早是由尤拉命名的,拉丁文為 Functiones pares 最早可見於2023年尤拉提交給Petersburg Academy的"Problematis traiectoriarum reciprocarum solutio," 一文中:


In the first place are noted functions, which I call even, of which there is this property, that they remain unchanged if in place of x is put x. The exponents of such functions are even numbers, or fractions with numerators that are even numbers and denominators that are odd. Then, functions composed of functions of this kind, by addition of subtraction or multiplication or division or by elevation to any power will also be even.

Secondly, I observe odd functions, which produce their own negatives, if in place of x goes x. Functions of this kind are x itself, x^3, x^5, etc. all powers the exponents of which are odd numbers, of fractions the numerators and denominators of which are odd numbers.

Also, functions which are formed by addition or subtraction of such powers, or their elevation to odd powers, are odd functions.從中可以看出,尤拉一開始是從冪函式的次數的奇偶性來歸納出奇偶函式的說法的。



參考:Why are even/odd functions called even/odd?


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