如何理解線性高斯二次型控制器(Linear quadratic gaussian)?

時間 2021-05-05 15:19:52

1樓:隔壁uncle wang

如果你很了解LQR的話應該就知道LQR其實是基於最優控制理論的一種狀態反饋控制器,它的基本要求是所有狀態可測。然而,當系統狀態不是都可測的話應該LQR就無法直接使用了(除非你改用輸出反饋),這裡就需要增加乙個觀測器(EKF, KF)去估計系統狀態了,而這種LQR狀態反饋的控制結構+狀態觀測器就組成了LQG。


「LQG = LQR + Kalman Filter」.

LQR is the control law which minimize a quadratic cost function J given the state space dynamic constraint (J is the time domain integral of the quadratic function of state and control input).

Kalman Filter is the state estimation algorithm which will minimize the error covariance of the estimated state.

So, LQG, in short, is basically a combo of optimal controller and optimal estimator for state feedback control of linear system. By Separation Principle, if individual controller and estimator are designed to be asymptotically stable, then the closed-loop linear system is asymptotically stable.

For nonlinear system with constraints besides state space dynamics constraint, people often replace LQR by a general MPC, and KF by EKF or UKF. Note the solution for MPC is in general non-closed and non-analytical.


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