
時間 2021-05-31 05:17:37


請參考DllMain : a horror story

我感覺如果是兩個很單純的dll 應該不會有事!雖然微軟不對這種行為做保證!but who cares!!! I just Load it in dllmain!!!


簡單的說,DllMain的呼叫前後系統加了一把loader-lock,導致很多API都不能呼叫,在DllMain裡做的事情越少越好,否則容易死鎖。解決你的問題,可以把dll 2靜態鏈結到dll1,只要你在dll 1中隨便什麼函式呼叫一下dll 2裡匯出的函式就行。或者你也可以用微軟的Detours庫里的setdll工具,讓dll 1強行依賴dll 2,這樣系統載入dll 1時就會載入dll 2。

詳細的解釋看微軟的這篇文件:Best Practices for Creating DLLs


You should never perform the following

tasks from withinDllMain:

CallLoadLibraryorLoadLibraryEx(either directly or indirectly). This can cause a deadlock or a crash.

Synchronize with other threads.

This can cause a deadlock.

Acquire a synchronization

object that is owned by code that is waiting to acquire the loader lock. This

can cause a deadlock.

Initialize COM threads by usingCoInitializeEx. Under certain

conditions, this function can callLoadLibraryEx.

Call the registry functions.

These functions are implemented in Advapi32.dll. If Advapi32.dll is not

initialized before your DLL, the DLL can access uninitialized memory and cause

the process to crash.

CallCreateProces. Creating a process can load another DLL.

CallExitThread.Exiting a

thread during DLL detach can cause the loader lock to be acquired again,

causing a deadlock or a crash.

CallCreateThread. Creating a thread can work if you do not synchronize

with other threads, but it is risky.

Create a named pipe or other

named object (Windows 2000 only). In Windows 2000, named objects are provided

by the Terminal Services DLL. If this DLL is not initialized, calls to the DLL

can cause the process to crash.

Use the memory management

function from the dynamic C Run-Time (CRT). If the CRT DLL is not initialized,

calls to these functions can cause the process to crash.

Call functions in User32.dll or

Gdi32.dll. Some functions load another DLL, which may not be initialized.

Use managed code.

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