coordination, cooperation, collaboration三個單詞有什麼區別?

時間 2021-06-03 05:27:52


coordination 協調 ,偏交談商量,討價還價。

cooperation, 配合,偏契約精神,比如還需你幫忙的意思。



2樓:Alvin Chen

coordination |kōrdnāSHn|


1the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively:both countries agreed to intensify efforts at economic policy coordination.

cooperative effort resulting in an effective relationship:action groups work in coordination withlocal groups to end rain forest destruction.

2the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently:changing from one foot position to another requires coordination and balance.

3Chemistry the linking of atoms by coordinate bonds.

ORIGIN mid 17th cent. (in the sense『placing in the same rank』): from French or from late Latincoordinatio(n-), based on Latinordo,ordin- 『order.

協調 (不同人事之間的矛盾)

cooperation |kōprāSHn|


the process of working together to the same end:they worked inclose cooperation withthe AAA.

assistance, especially by ready compliance with requests:we would like to ask for your cooperation in the survey.

Economics the formation and operation of cooperatives.

ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latincooperatio(n-), from the verbcooperari

); later reinforced by Frenchcoopération .


collaboration |klabrāSHn|


1the action of working with someone to produce or create something:he wrote on art and architecture in collaboration withJohn Betjeman.

something produced or created by collaboration:his recent opera was a collaboration with Lessing.

2traitorous cooperation with an enemy:he faces charges of collaboration.


ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Latincollaboratio(n-), fromcollaborare 『work together.』




I coordinate.... (不見得是自己做), I cooperate 和別人合作 (有種協商後就範的感覺,官方冰冷範兒), I collaborate (和諧一起玩耍,)


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