
時間 2021-05-05 12:42:27



夜幕 — 6:30 第乙個鬧鐘響起( 摁掉)夜幕 — 6:50 第二個鬧鐘響起( 摁掉) 起床/洗漱微亮 — 7:

10 第三個鬧鐘響起( 摁掉)微亮 — 7:15 地鐵掃碼進站

微亮 — 7:16 揣出耳機 ( Air Pods Pro )不習慣人聲嘈雜果斷降噪模式


《 YES!OK!》青春有你2的主題曲


這首歌最振奮人心 。

ps 別跳起來就行 hhhh ( 不然很傻 、 女兵除外 )






私以為,不是所有的振奮人心都是讓人熱血沸騰,讓你在失落、痛苦、無助中汲取到強大的力量都可以稱為振奮人心,我的那首是是《Blowing in the wind》。

How many roads must a man walk down


Before they call him a man才能被稱為真正的人



counting stars

Lately I've been,I've been losing sleep 最近我輾轉反側

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景

But baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱

Said no more counting dollars 不再財迷心竅 ;

We'll be counting stars 數錢不如數星星

Yeah, we'll be counting stars 沒錯我們一起來數星星

I see this life 最近生活 ;

Like a swinging vine 如一團亂麻

Swing my heart across the line 讓我無所適從

;In my faces flashing suns 臉上閃過各種跡象

Seek it out and ye shall find 遍尋之後你會發現

;Old, but I'm not that old 我成熟但沒那麼老練

Young, but I'm not that bold 我年輕卻不那麼魯莽;

And I don't think the world is sold 我不認為這個世界無藥可救

;I'm just doing what we're told;我只是循規蹈矩地為人處事

I, feel something so right 雖知何為中正 ;

But doing the wrong thing 卻又離經叛道

I, feel something so wrong 雖知何處汙濁;

But doing the right thing 卻又隨波逐流

I could lie, could lie, could lie 我無法自欺欺人

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 所有的絕地都使我逢生

Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我輾轉反側

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景

Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱

Said no more counting dollars 別再財迷心竅

We'll be counting stars 我們一起數星星;

Lately I been, I been losing sleep最近我夜不能寐

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景

Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱

Said no more counting dollars 別再財迷心竅;

We'll be, we'll be counting stars 我們一起數星星

I feel the love 我感覺愛;

And I feel it burn 就在胸膛燃燒;

Down this river every turn 如同潺潺流水蜿蜒曲折

Hope is a four letter word「希望」不過是個低俗字眼(褻玩之意)

Make that money 把它變為金錢;

Watch it burn 看著它燃盡

Old, but I'm not that old 我成熟但沒那麼老練;

Young, but I'm not that bold 我年輕卻不那麼魯莽

And I don't think the world is sold 我不認為這個世界無藥可救

I'm just doing what we're told 我只是循規蹈矩地為人處事

I, feel something so wrong 在隨波逐流中;

But doing the right thing 痛感乏善可陳

I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie 我無法自欺欺人

Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly 任何的打擊都讓我重振旗鼓

Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我輾轉反側

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景;

Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱

Said no more counting dollars 別再財迷心竅;

We'll be counting stars 我們一起數星星

Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我輾轉反側;

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景

Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱;

Said no more counting dollars別再財迷心竅

We'll be, we'll be counting stars 我們一起數星星;

Take that money 身外之物

And watch it burn 皆可拋;

Sink in the river 將其沉河

The lessons I learned 已受教;

Take that money 身外之物

And watch it burn 皆可拋

Sink in the river 將其沉河;

The lessons I learned 已受教

Take that money 身外之物;

And watch it burn 皆可拋

Sink in the river 將其沉河;

The lessons I learned 已受教;

Take that money 身外之物

And watch it burn 皆可拋;

Sink in the river 將其沉河;

The lessons I learned 已受教

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive;沉舟側畔千帆過病樹前頭萬木春

Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我輾轉反側

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景

Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱

Said no more counting dollars 別再財迷心竅

We'll be counting stars 我們一起數星星;

Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我輾轉反側

Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 夢想著我們的願景;

Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但親愛的我一直在努力祈禱

Said no more counting dollars 別再財迷心竅;

We'll be, we'll be counting stars 我們一起數星星

Take that money 身外之物;And watch it burn 皆可拋;

Sink in the river 將其沉河

The lessons I learned 已受教;

Take that money 身外之物;

And watch it burn 皆可拋

Sink in the river 將其沉河 ;

The lessons I learned 已受教 ;

Take that money 身外之物

And watch it burn 皆可拋;

Sink in the river 將其沉河 ;

The lessons I learned 已受教

Take that money 身外之物;

And watch it burn 皆可拋;

Sink in the river 將其沉河

The lessons I learned 已受教


胡說404道 君不見,漢終軍,弱冠系虜請長纓,君不見,班定遠,絕域輕騎催戰雲!男兒應是重危行,豈讓儒冠誤此生?況乃國危若累卵,羽檄爭馳無少停!棄我昔時筆,著我戰時衿,一呼同志逾十萬,高唱戰歌齊從軍。齊從軍,淨胡塵,誓掃倭奴不顧身!知識青年從軍歌 Nicole妮雪 那應該會推薦 送別 第一次聽,是很小...


初雪 中島美雪 最愛 樹高千丈,落葉歸根 卡百利 never grow old dying in the sun 披頭四 yesterday while my guitar gentaly weeps 盧冠廷 一生所愛 還有很多,先碼. Former 山丘 想說卻還沒說的還很多 攢著是因為想寫成歌 ...


Euphoria 如何!這首歌真的很有感覺但是建議搭配劇來嘿嘿嘿BKPP真的很好嗑 強烈推薦大家去看劇啊以你的心詮釋我的愛 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚 Sky 那一夜我對著自己開了一槍 最近聽陶喆唱過之後我就喜歡了,看個人愛好,我喜歡看歌詞,很有意思,看心情聽歌。但總得就是周杰倫,林俊傑,張信哲的歌聽的...