React 和 IMGUI 有何聯絡和區別?

時間 2021-05-06 19:39:51


(在 Medium 寫完直接摘過來了見諒)I don』t think React belongs to the traditional concept of Immediate Mode, in which drawing commands directly cause actual rendering (sometimes directly sent to GPU).

In contrast, ReactJS does maintain a Virtual DOM as the internal display list (or tree). For every states』 update, React 「diffs」 the VDOM and generates bunch of DOM calls to update the actual DOM, and that is exactly how browsers maintain the DOM: compute the layout, generate draw commands and send them into GPU for rasterization.

This is Retained Mode.

That may be the reason why the whole community switch to the Functional Programming concepts. Considering ReactJS as IMGUI library is partial correct (for the dev experiences and mental model), but it』s inaccurate.


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