
時間 2021-10-28 15:53:04


沒有省略, so thick was the river with them = the river was so thick with them (the shad)。


是不是可以看做是 so ... that 句型的乙個變體?

The river was so thick with shad that one could ladle them with a frying pan.

that 部分提前,省略 that,so 部分倒裝。

One could ladle the shad with a frying pan, so thick was the river with them.



對此,張道真在《英語語法大全》裡有兩種說法,一是(上冊 154 頁):

306 Such有時用在後面分句中,對前面分句加以解釋,說明原因,兩個分句間用逗號隔開,後面分句強調意味比較濃。

He spent all his money,he is such a fool.

The bus arrived before dawn,it had run at such a speed.

Even the dog gasped,we had such bad weather.


He spent all his money,he is so foolish.

The bus arrived before dawn,it had run so fast.

Even the dog gasped,the weather was so bad.


The bus had run at such a speed that it arrived before dawn.

We had such bad weather that even the dog gasped.

He is such a fool that he spent all his money.


He is so foolish that he spent all his money.

The bus had run so fast that...

The weather was so bad that...

二是(上冊 700 頁):

He is unable to sit up,(for)he is so ill.(若後面有so,such這類詞,for可以省略)

He fired me immediately,(for)he was so angry.

All were killed,(for)they had such a terrible accident.


Enjune Zhang 田納西州各科技及社會大學不會將其基礎設施的管理專案外包給私企,一名領導人表示,該決定得到了各院校開銷情況分析結果的支援與佐證。Tennessee s technical and community colleages 主語 will not outsource 謂語 man...


橘子汽水 瀉藥。首先,和 屬於格助詞 接續體言 名詞 表達句中各個成分的關係 屬於副助詞 意思添補 均可用 來替代。簡單來說,接主語,接賓語。比較詳細 嚴謹的話就是 表示 1 動作或者狀態的主體,也就是主語 私 走 我奔跑 2 願望或者要求的物件 水 欲 我想要水 表示 1 動作 直接 作用的物件 ...

請問這個句子是什麼從句 填what還是that 如果引導詞前後不缺成分和缺成分有什麼不同

arco what they want to know 從句表示 1.他們想知道什麼 例句 I didn t ask themwhat they wanted to know.2.他們想知道的東西 例句 That iswhat they want to know.that they want to ...