
時間 2021-12-28 03:02:17

1樓:simpson bill




」「The BBC website contains a handy algorithm for calculating the probability of

your job being robotised. For an accountant, the probability of vocational

extinction is a whopping 95%. For a hairdresser, it is 33%. On these

numbers, the accountant』s sun has truly set, but the relentless upwards ascent

of the hairdresser is set to continue. For economists, like me(chief economist of BOE), the magic

number is 15%. At first I found that number disconcertingly high. But in fact

it puts me in the lower third of 「prone」 professions. 」

「Social workers, nurses, therapists and psychologists are among the least likely occupations to be taken over as assisting and caring for others, which involves empathy, is a crucial part of the job.

Roles requiring employees to think on their feet and come up with creative and original ideas, for example artists, designers or engineers, hold a significant advantage in the face of automation.

Additionally, occupations involving tasks that require a high degree of social intelligence and negotiating skills, like managerial positions, are considerably less at risk from machines according to the study.」


冰笛 就踢球而言,你這是缺乏全域性意識。時時刻刻想著局中的每個人都應該怎樣做,才能在整體上發揮出團隊最大的優勢,一切要以大局為重。 已登出 我認為,是事物之間具有的相似性和人本身的特點 我覺得,人是本身喜歡配對的,例如 在一起在一起!兩隻襪子怎麼不一樣?自古紅藍出CP 而配對的依據就是事物之間應該具...


樸書書 29歲上海打工人,剛找的房子是同事自己婚前買的40平內環房,我攢了三個月的房租交給她之後,她買了個羅意威的包,還是打了對折的。 孤獨患者 人生前期 人與人的差距最小的時候。人生後期 人與人的差距最大的時候。應該在最底層加上一層 學生 有的學生畢業後可以跳三層,有的可以直接到頂,而有的通過多年...


雪雨 因為他們在偶像身上看到了自己 自己 為了完善自己的心裡形象,為了補償自己,因為自己沒有辦法做到偶像做到的事,只要為偶像出乙份力,就代表他們做到了 人確實是自私的,但是從利益角度來說,追星也是一種讓自己愉悅的方法,不同人追星的目的不一樣,有的人是屬於 女友粉 即幻想自己可以嫁給他,花時間和精力就...