
時間 2021-05-30 17:20:50


列一些英文的原著與研究著作, 請自行選讀

I. 原著

● Aeschylus, Oresteia, Prometheus Bound

● Apollodorus, Library

● Euripides, Alcestis, Medea, Hippolytus, Electra, Iphigenia in Tauris, Bacchae

● Hesiod, Theogony

● Homer, Iliad, Odyssey

● Homeric Hymns to Apollo, Demeter, Hermes, Aphrodite

● Pindar, Olympian 1, Pythian 4, Pythian 8, Nemean 6, Isthmian8

● Plutarch, Theseus

● Sophocles, Antigone, Oedipus Tyrannus, Oedipus at Colonus, Ajax, Electra

II. Introduction: Mythology

必讀● Graf, Fritz, Greek Mythology (Johns Hopkins 1993).

選讀● Bremmer, Jan, Interpretations of Greek Mythology (Totawa, NJ1986).

● Csapo, Eric, Theories of Mythology (Oxford 2005).

III. Introduction: Religion

A. 必讀

● Burkert, Walter, Greek Religion (Harvard 1985).

B. 選讀

● Mikalson, Jon, Religion in Hellenistic Athens (Berkeley 1998).

● Ogden, Daniel, ed., A Companion to Greek Religion (Oxford2007).

● Parker, Robert, Athenian Religion: A History (Oxford 1996).

● Parker, Robert, Polytheism and Society at Athens (Oxford2005).

IV. Cults, Forms of Worship, and Issues.


● Bowden, Hugh, Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle: Divination and Democracy(Cambridge 2005).

● Burkert, Walter, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth (Berkeley1983).

● Burkert, Walter, Ancient Mystery Cults (Harvard 1987) and George Mylonas, Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries (Princeton 1961).

● Cole, Susan G., Landscapes, Gender, and Ritual Space: The Ancient Greek Experience(Berkeley 2004).

● Connelly, Joan B., Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece (Princeton 2007).

● Detienne, Marcel, and Jean-Pierre Vernant, eds., The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks (Chicago 1989).

● Foley, Helene, The Homeric Hymn to Demeter: Translation, Commentary, and Interpretive Essays (Princeton 1994).

● Goff, Barbara, Citizen Bacchae: Women』s Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece (Berkeley 2004).

● Johnston, Sarah I., Ancient Greek Divination (Oxford 2008).

● Kearns, Emily, The Heroes of Attica (Oxford 1989).

● Kurtz, Donna and John Boardman, Greek Burial Customs (Cornell 1971).

● Neils, Jennifer, Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (Princeton 1992) and Jennifer Neils, ed., Worshipping Athena:

Panathenaia and Parthenon (Madison 1996).

● Otto, Walter, Dionysus: Myth and Cult (Indiana 1965) and Thomas H. Carpenter and Christopher A.

Faraone, eds., Masks of Dionysus(Cornell 1993).

● Parke, H.W., Festivals of the Athenians (Cornell 1977) and Erika Simon, Festivals of Attica:

An Archaeological Commentary (Wisconsin 1983).

● Parker, Robert, Miasma: Pollution and Purification in Early Greek Religion (Oxford 1983).

V. Myth and Religion in Greek Literature.


● Bowie, A.M., Aristophanes: Myth, Ritual and Comedy (Cambridge 1993).

● Clauss, James J. and Sarah Iles Johnston, eds., Medea:

Essays on Medea in Myth, Literature, Philosophy and Art (Princeton 1997).

● Clay, Jenny S., The Politics of Olympus: Form and Meaning in the Major Homeric Hymns(Princeton 1989).

● March, Jennifer, The Creative Poet: Studies on the Treatment of Myths in Greek Poetry(London 1987).

● Mikalson, Jon, Honor Thy Gods: Popular Religion in Greek Tragedy(Chapel Hill 1991).

● Nagy, Gregory, The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry(Johns Hopkins 1979).

● Segal, Charles, Dionysiac Poetics and Euripides1 Bacchae (Princeton 1982).

VI. Landmark books


● Burkert, Walter, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual(Berkeley 1979).

● Buxton, Richard, Imaginary Greece: The Contexts of Mythology(Cambridge 1994).

● Buxton, Richard, Forms of Astonishment: Greek Myths of Metamorphosis (Oxford 2009).

● Dodds, E.R., The Greeks and the Irrational (Berkeley 1951).

● Gordon, R.L., ed.

, Myth, Religion and Society: Structuralist Essays by M. Detienne, L.

Gernet, J.-P. Vernant, and P.

Vidal-Naquet (Cambridge 1981).

● Lloyd-Jones, H., The Justice of Zeus (Berkeley 1971).

● Nietzsche, F., The Birth of Tragedy, along with M.S.

Silk and J.P. Stern, Nietzsche on Tragedy (Cambridge1981).

● Nilsson, Martin, The Mycenean Origins of Greek Mythology(Cambridge 1932).

● Seaford, Richard, Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-State (Oxford 1994).


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