
時間 2021-05-06 14:21:28

1樓:Jamie Beaton

The most reasonable comparison is Silicon Valley Tech (working as a developer, data scientist, business development manager, marketer, analyst etc) v New York City Finance (working as an investment banker, sales and trader, equity or debt analyst, investment researcher etc)

Being a successful entrepreneur is much harder and requires a much more advanced set of skills than the entry level roles required in any of the above industries.

The most natural way to decide what to do is to consider your core competencies. Is it math and statistics? Is it computer science?

Is it your personable character which let's you persuade people (sales and business development).

Technology (working for a firm in tech) is the lowest risk of the above options with the highest baseline pay. Finance is slightly riskier with starting compensation usually being lower but potential upside is higher. Entrepreneurship is highest risk, highest reward.

Hope this comparison can be useful for graduates !


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