
時間 2021-05-30 15:34:47




The United States of AmericaThe FTC and the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (NAD), govern the laws of comparative advertising in the United States including the treatment of comparative advertising claims. FTC stated that comparative advertising could benefit consumers and encourages comparative advertising, provided that the comparisons are 「clearly identified, truthful, and non-deceptive」.

Although comparative advertising is encouraged, NAD has stated 「claims that expressly or implicitly disparage a competing product should be held to the highest level of scrutiny in order to ensure that they are truthful, accurate, and narrowly drawn.」Another major law is the Trademark Lanham Act, which states that one could incur liability when the message of the comparative advertisement is untrue or uncertain, but has the intention to deceived consumers through the implied message conveyed.另外有個百事直接那啥可口可樂的,同作參考。



允許,可以叫做「comparison/comparative advertising" 或者 「negative marketing」 只要不說謊通常不會被告。只不過容易引起爭議和對手記恨,而且美中國人通常不希望給人「卑鄙」/mean的印象,用的不多。但也有:


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蘋果的 Think Different 廣告中都有哪些人物?

曉蕾 蘋果這麼多年就沒換過廣告公司啊。Albert Einstein 阿爾伯特 愛因斯坦 Bob Dylan 鮑博 迪倫 Martin Luther King 馬丁 路德 金 Richard Branson 理查德 布蘭森 HEART John Lennon Yoko Ono 約翰 列農 大野洋子 ...


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RainMan CPM stands for cost per one thousand impressions,or cost per Mille,which is Latin for thousand.This metric is used by publishers to define and...