即將畢業,如何將王維 送元二使安西 翻譯成英文送給外國同學?

時間 2021-06-01 12:44:47


試譯。Rainy dawn wept the dust in Wei,

Osiers stay fresh outside the Inn.

One last bottom up my sincere friend,

Over the pass only strangers remain.







An Envoy to Anxi

In the morning rain the drifting dust does wetted sink,

And before the inn the willows are flesh and green.

Take another cup, my friend, to the last drop do thou drink,

For beyond the Sunshine Pass no old friend can be seen.


A Farewell Song

No dust is raised on the road wet with morning rain;

The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green,

I invite you to drink a cup of wine again;

West of the Sunny Pass no more friends will be seen.


A Farewell Song

A morning rain has kept the town』s roads clean,

The inn』s bright blue 'mong willows』 fresh-washed green.

And here, dear friend, dry up this other cup!

Why, west of Sunpass none will cheer you up.



(好吧,四級英語水平不知道老外看不看得懂~O~)The dust in front of my eyes,has been washed by the rain.

While willows in the school are still green,

just like when I came.

Please drink this glass of wine,which represents my deep feeling.

Because you know ,

it will be difficult for us to meet again,

when we set foot on on our homeland respectively.


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