
時間 2021-05-30 05:40:55


2013 saw a rise of between 1 and 4 million tourist visits to each country, with the exception of China, which received 2 million fewer visitors than in the previous year.


在這句話中,a rise of 實際修飾的是 tourist visits,即 2013 saw a rise of tourist viists.

bewteen 1 and 4 million 是用來修飾 tourist visits的,就像 to each country 也是用來補充說明tourisit visits 的一樣。所以【 between 1 and 4 million 【tourist visits】 to each country】部分要看成乙個整體。

這句話還原成以 visit(遊客數量) 為主體則可表達為:

In 2013, tourist visits to all countries rose between 1 and 4 million, with the excpetion of China, which received 2 million fewer visitors than in the previous year.


後半句的句子還原後是:China received 2 million fewer visitors thanthe number of visitors it receivedin the previous year.

在雅思小作文寫作中,這樣的比較結構省略句式十分常見,因為它能減少表達的冗雜、增加 readability並使得整個句子看起來更有力量。


1.between…and 就是從初中開始最常見的搭配,此處是1百萬到4百萬之間,可能有的國家是3百萬,有的國家2百萬。visits此處是名詞,可以理解為訪客量,用it做主語,謂語動詞用saw是很常見的表達方法,比如新聞中說(it said that)。


2. 這裡僅省略了visitors,就是visitors in the previous year。今年訪客比去年少了2百萬。


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