
時間 2021-06-08 23:15:13


Jason Terry three for three for three.


Curry for three——Bang!Bang!

庫里,三分出手——進啦!(這裡這個bang是個擬聲詞)houhou,what a strong move by LeBron James.



10 - 「Gotta love him, he always goes hard to the hole and you never know what he's gonna do with it once he's down there」 - Chris Paul dishes yet another assist, this time to Tyson Chandler for the alley-oop jam.

9 - 「You see how close his head was to the rim?!?」 - LBJ throws down another one.

8 - 「Give it to him down there, he's begging for it.」 - Shaq with good post position and his teammates can't find him.

7 - 「Oooo, he takes it square in the chest.」 - A player draws the charge.

6 - 「Wow, what a nose for those loose balls」 - Dwight Howard hustles down his 20th board.

5 - 「Kobe serving up the facial!」 - Marv Albert

4 - 「...And what do we like about this young man? Well, two things.

One: he always gets deep penetration. Okay?

And two: he knows how to finish.」 - Hubie Brown of ABC Sports.

3 - 「Send it in, big fella!」 - Bill Raftery of CBS Sports during a NCAA tournament game.

2 - 「Oh! Right between the eyes!」 - Kevin Harlan of CBS Sports and Turner Sports

1 - 「Yyyessss! Yes, OH YES!!!」 - Again, Marv Albert

Top 10 NBA Announcer Quotes


from downtown(/behind the arc) all day everyday 連續三分命中之後;

atta boy, i c u.或者did him nasty,面對防守進好球之後;

Break dat ankle 或者 put him on ice-skate, make him dance 晃開對手;

lob city 空接之城

got a block party going on 連續封蓋(貌似這句2k裡面也有)

360 with the wrist, boy 這句就是drake的,但是最近超級常用

thats cash/ cash in the bank 投籃/打板進球


一 起床不是為了應付今天的時間 而是必須做到今天要比昨天活得更精彩!一千個人就有一千種生存方式和生活道路,要想改變一些事情,首先得把自己給找回來。二 人生就像舞台,不到謝幕,永遠不會知道自己有多精彩。所以千萬不要急,不要輕易放棄,你想要的,歲月一定都會給你。三 認定了的路,再痛也不要皺一下眉頭,再怎...


當年還是個中二少年的時候,看 誅仙后傳 記錄的些句子 分割線幸福總是短暫的,換來的確是無盡的痛苦與心碎。思念乙個人的滋味,就像是喝了一杯冰涼的水,然後用很長很長的時間,一顆一顆流成熱淚。凝眸千年的是笑意?是淚水?明滅不定的是希望?是絕望?命為伊生,願為伊亡。奈何廝守不得。既然世容不得我,何不我來滅世...


張愛玲說 於千萬人之中遇見你所要遇見的人,於千萬年之中,時間的無涯的荒野裡,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了,那也沒有別的話可說,惟有輕輕地問一聲 噢,你也在這裡嗎?野有蔓草,零露漙兮。有美一人,清揚婉兮。邂逅相遇,適我願兮。野有蔓草,零露瀼瀼。有美一人,婉如清揚。邂逅相遇,與子偕臧。佚名 國風...