如何看待FBI局長James Comey在2023年5月3日在美國國會的的聽證?

時間 2021-06-03 12:11:11


Five new revelations from James Comey』s testimony - The Boston Globe

1. Comey said he understood he was interfering with the election but insisted he had no choice.

2. Comey confirmed he wanted to go public with his concerns that Russia was meddling with the election in August. But, he said, the Obama administration squashed it.

3. Comey said he believes Russia will try to meddle with the 2018 US midterm elections as well.

4. Comey confirmed there is an active internal investigation about his role in Clinton』s emails probe and the election.

5. Comey said the FBI is looking into whether aides leaked information to former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and others.


Kingdom Central 第一,他本來就該退休了。按之前的報導,他留著就是為了三月開始生效的退休金。現在退下來,他攢的休假可以對上,沒有經濟損失。第二,他是職業官僚,不是政治任命,所以川總還不能直接把他擼了。第三,至於他能不能全身而退,那就得看memo咯。所以,推測無益,弄好瓜子茶水等看戲吧。...

如何評價 美國司法部向國會提交前FBI局長科公尺備忘錄

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