
時間 2021-05-31 18:55:29


How can we breathe new possibilities into modern architecture was the question the German architect duo Gabriela Seifert and Gtz Stckmann of Formalhaut posed when designing their new home. The Living Room House in Gelnhause, Germany is quite possibly the town『s main attraction, with its contemporary window-clad white exterior juxtaposed against the neighborhood』s surrounding traditional homes.

Clad with a powder-coated-aluminum skin, the house is perforated by 52 windows set in a checkerboard pattern. The interior elements escape traditional boundaries: you are greeted by a rocky ground-floor landscape, as if the house has grown up around it; suspended in space over the living area, the bedroom hangs in a sliding drawer that can be opened over the street for alfresco sleeping; a sound installation, by artist Achim Wollscheid, allows to electronically manipulate noises from the outside and transform them into ambient noise.

Read more: Unique Urban Living Room House in Germany


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