
時間 2021-10-19 17:55:38


In almost all countries that do not accept theXoption, they will simply deny thepassportholder entry or detain them. The only country to formally accept it, is Canada which now issues thesepassports. The reason many countries will deny thepassportis because apassportis an identification document and they do not care whatgenderyou identify as, they just want to scan the document and check your back round.

Nobody is born non binary, they are biologically assigned agenderat birth. An official document must contain identification details and not someone』s personalgenderpreference. Canada created thepassportoption as a publicity stunt to try and show the world that they are progressive.

Countries such as China, Russia, USA, and Saudi Arabia think that thesepassportsare jokes.

以上文字引用自這個quora回答 。貌似很多國家都會拒絕入境。

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