c 問題 兩個結果為何不同?

時間 2021-05-31 08:59:51


If the value of the integer literal is too big to fit in any of the types allowed by suffix/base combination and the compiler supports extended integer types (such as __int128) the literal may be given the extended integer type -- otherwise the program is ill-formed.



對於signed long long 來說,9223372036854775808就是-9223372036854775808


後面能顯示出來9223372036854775808,是因為它的型別是unsigned long long

3樓:hearts zh

1. Integer literal: 整數常量。


intlong int

long long int

2. 如果沒有任何型別能夠包含該整數,程式本身就是錯誤的。

標準原話:A program is ill-formed if one of its translation units contains an integer literal that cannot be represented by any of the allowed types.


char ch 修改為unsigned char ch 就ok了。對無符號數0xd2 210,大於127,賦值給char ch 有溢位,ch 得到0xd2實際數值是有符號數補碼表示0xd2 0xffd2 46。自動擴充套件到雙位元組了。寫入乙個小的值試試。 這個故事就很有趣了。先說結論,MinGW似...

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