在歌詞裡看到undoubtably 可是詞典上並沒有?

時間 2021-06-03 18:56:52


不是所有的詞字典上都有啊。就比如 bigly. 對吧~

不過我也奇怪,為啥 redoubtable 有 undoubtable 就沒有。。。





undoubtably - Wiktionary

"Undoubtably" is considered to be nonstandard English by some authorities (for example, Garner's Modern American Usage (2009)), and the term is seldom found in modern literary writing.[1] The Oxford English Dictionary provides no examples of usage after 1513 and characterizes "undoubtably" as "? Obs.

," wondering whether the term is obsolete.[2] Nevertheless, many examples of its usage can be found in 20th- and 21st-century popular English and in contemporary academic journals.

儘管被認為不正規,可以用正規的 undoubtedly 代替,但也有人認為兩個詞有細微的差別:

Undoubtably vs. undoubtedly

Undoubtablyandundoubtedlyare both well-formed words with clear, distinct meanings, yet the former is often used in place of the latter, giving rise to the mistaken belief that undoubtably is always wrong. It』s not. The distinction between them can be subtle; something that is undoubted is not doubted, while something that is undoubtable is not capable of being doubted.

The two meanings often overlap, which is why mixing up the two words is often not a serious error, yet the difference is occasionally important. For example, one might claim that in his or her opinion the Beatles are undoubtably the most influential rock band in history, yet we probably couldn』t say they are undoubtedly so, because even one who believes the Beatles to be the most influential band must acknowledge that there are rock critics who doubt this.



甜檸檬 大概是林宥嘉吧 因為他的歌詞好多都是愛的不求回報,愛的特別卑微,每次唱他的歌都要下意識心疼他一下。說謊 逞強地說謊 我沒有什麼陰影魔障 你千萬不要放在心上 我又不脆弱 何況那算什麼傷 反正愛情不就都這樣 背影 我的心事 蒸發成雲 再下成雨卻捨不得淋濕你 感謝我不可以 住進你的眼睛 所以才能 ...

如何理解《無 日 》裡的歌詞

上善若水 全歌基調對已逝往事說再見 因為回不去了 開始時突然想起以前的事情,吧啦吧啦一陣懷念過去,但一旦錯過就已不能挽回,傷心卻也無濟於事,放手吧,對過去說再見吧,向前看吧。整首大概就是這樣的軌跡。裡面有對謊言的悔恨,應該是歌手 男 這邊撒謊造成的分手,所以想起以前很懷戀,傷心又悔恨。其中歌名以及最...


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