邏輯回歸,loss 函式定義為所有概率的積取負號取對數,但為什麼不直接定義為1 概率的積?

時間 2021-06-02 04:42:07

1樓:Frank Tian

你的問題是為什麼用log likelihood function而不是直接用likelihood function,因為log likelihood function的數學性質更好。

In practice, it is more convenient to maximize the log of the likelihood function. Because the logarithm is a monotonically increasing function of its argument, maximization of the log of a function is equivalent to maximization of the function itself. Taking the log not only simplifies the subsequent mathematical analysis, but it also helps numerically because the product of a large number of small probabilities can easily underflow the numerical precision of the computer, and this is resolved by computing instead the sum of the log probabilities.



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