vector 使用 emplace back 會呼叫複製建構函式嗎

時間 2021-05-06 02:42:37


原因:這個是容器擴張導致的(容器擴張會呼叫copy construct,在STL原始碼中可以看到).



When we call a push or insert member, we pass objects of the element type and those objects are copied into the container. When we call an emplace member, we pass arguments to a constructor for the element type. The emplace members use those arguments to construct an element directly in space managed by the container.

For example, assuming c holds Sales_data (§ 7.1.4, p. 264) elements:

// construct a Sales_data object at the end of c

// uses the three-argument Sales_data constructor

c.emplace_back("978-0590353403", 25, 15.99);

// error: there is no version of push_back that takes three arguments

c.push_back("978-0590353403", 25, 15.99);

// ok: we create a temporary Sales_data object to pass to push_back

c.push_back(Sales_data("978-0590353403", 25, 15.99));

The call to emplace_back and the second call to push_back both create new Sales_data objects. In the call to emplace_back, that object is created directly in space managed by the container. The call to push_back creates a local temporary object that is pushed onto the container.

The arguments to an emplace function vary depending on the element type. The arguments must match a constructor for the element type:

// iter refers to an element in c, which holds Sales_data elements

c.emplace_back(); // uses the Sales_data default constructor

c.emplace(iter, "999-999999999"); // uses Sales_data(string)

// uses the Sales_data constructor that takes an ISBN, a count, and a price

c.emplace_front("978-0590353403", 25, 15.99);


The emplace functions construct elements in the container. The arguments tothese functions must match a constructor for the element type.

c++ primer Fifth Edition已經寫得很清楚了,emplace_back/emplace_front 直接在容器所管理的空間內構建


你沒有寫move建構函式,當然也無所謂,因為emplace back不會用它,emplace採用了就地構造,這是它和pushback的區別:


當插入lvalue,它節約了一次copy構造。理論上emplace back不會發生拷貝。


4樓:Michael wang

Stan Lippman的 inside the c++ object model中對什麼時候會呼叫拷貝建構函式,說的挺清楚的,可以學習一下,10幾年前第一次看到時,有頓悟的感覺




然後 push_back的時候,vector需要把這個匿名變數的值複製到vector的儲存空間上,由於是值copy,所以必須有一次copy constructor

在C++11裡引入了 std::move 可以解決這個問題

參考 關於C++右值及std::move()的疑問? - C++ - 知乎

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