英語現在進行時態 be doing 中,doing 的詞性是什麼?

時間 2021-06-01 00:40:13


This is a very good question. In fact, the V-ing form in modern English is a merging of two different forms in earlier English: the Present Participle and the Gerund.

A Gerund is a word which is semantically a verb but grammatically used as a noun, while a Present Participle is a word which functions as an adverb or an adjective but grammatically considered a form of verbal conjugation.The words 'participle' and 'gerund' are Latin/Greek grammatical categories that are borrowed by later Western grammarians to study their own national language.

For example:

I walked by, seeing her in the woods. (Here 'seeing' is the Present Participle of the verb 'see', not a Gerund.)


Studying a classical language is not an easy task. (Here 'studying' is used grammatically as a noun, so it's a Gerund, not the Present Participle of the verb 'study'.)

In Middle English, the Gerund V-ing form is written as '-ing', cognate to '-ung' in Modern Standard German; but the Present Participle form is written as '-inge', coming from earlier '-inde' and further in the past from Old English '-ende', cognate to German '-end', Latin '-ans'.Long story short, in Old and Middle English, the Gerund and the Present Participle are different, and by a coincidence of linguistic evolution, they merge in modern English as one form.

Modern Standard German still maintains the distinction between the Gerund '-ung' form and the Present Participle '-end' form*, but that difference is lost in Modern English, where both are written as '-ing'. So some modern English grammarians no longer distinguish between the two forms, putting both in the same category as the 'V-ing' form.

*If you know German: even though modern German maintains the difference between the historical Gerund (-ung) and the historical Present Participle (-end), modern German treats the -ung form as regular nouns, waiving its use as Gerunds; In modern German, the Gerund is just the verb with the first letter capitalized.

For example, in Modern Standard German:

Gerund: das Trennen; (meaning "separating" as gerund)

Present Participle: trennend; (meaning "separating" as participle, cognate to English '-ing' participle)

'-ung' form which is cognate to English '-ing' gerund form: die Trennung; (meaning "separation" as a normal noun)


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