
時間 2021-05-30 23:08:24


知道一些community detection的東西。這方面最屌的應該就是男神Mark Newman了。不過個人感覺community detection這一塊弄來弄去搞到最後其實還是線性代數,比如這是Mark Newman無數篇關於community detection引用上千的文章中某篇的AbstractMany networks of interest in the sciences, including a variety of social and biological networks, are

found to divide naturally into communities or modules. The problem of detecting and characterizing

this community structure has attracted considerable recent attention. One of the most sensitive

detection methods is optimization of the quality function known as 「modularity」 over the possible

is computationally costly. Here we show that the modularity can be reformulated in terms of the

eigenvectors of a new characteristic matrix for the network, which we call the modularity matrix, and

that this reformulation leads to a spectral algorithm for community detection that returns results

of better quality than competing methods in noticeably shorter running times. We demonstrate the




首先關於考研和出國的選擇。應當從成本和收益兩個方面分析。成本是指考研需付出的風險和出國需付出的努力之間的對比,孰大孰小?而收益是指考研和出國能夠到的學校,到底是國外的學校好還是國內能考到的學校好呢?關於成本問題詳細分析如下 關於收益問題詳細分析如下 您是物理專業轉應用統計,涉及到乙個專業轉換的問題。...


牽絆 比較廣泛的應用應該是交流電路的分析,比如電源電壓的複數表示U Vexp jwt 以及元件的電抗電納比如電感的電抗X jwL。還有就是量子力學裡面的薛丁格方程,數理方程裡面的傅利葉積分法,正交函式族,以及正交曲線族。最後偷偷告訴你,最廣泛的二階常係數線性微分方程的解很多都是複數解,只不過高數老師...


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