
時間 2021-06-01 19:19:00





The version with a trailing t attached is usually the first (read: the more frequent) you'll see among its pronunciations in most American (screenshot 1 below) or British English (screenshot 2) dictionaries.

Why, you may wonder, there are multiple pronunciations even in dictionaries? Because of the variations from different regions at different times.

Since restaurant was borrowed from French in early 19th century, there are people who prefer the French way, that is, without the trailing t.

In addition, people also tend to drop the last consonant if it's pronounced with the front of your tongue. See also my rule of thumb in another relevant question, "Why people replace t with d?"


HAHAH 不一定是阿卡什殺了醫生。原因 車內對話,劇中醫生說的是如果角膜匹配的話,那將是錦上添花。而且最後男主用手杖打走易拉罐可能說明了對蘇菲的建議的反對。 欒慕澤 應該是女主西公尺被殺了,然後男主和醫生分了錢,男主做了復明手術。男主最後講的那個故事應該是假的 看這棵樹,出現過兩次。第一次是真是發...


玉面小旋風 奧不好意思,我也不知道,但是我覺得回答offer的答主都挺成熟的,也挺可愛的,剩下答ofo,ufo,脫非入歐神馬的,我覺得這些答主有趣極了呢!喵了個咪! 頓頓有肉 歐否 需要拆開來分析。首先解釋 歐 最近很火的網路用語 歐洲人 非洲人 脫非入歐 等。歐 即表示有錢,非 即表示窮。否 即是...

英語中,restaurant 是外來詞嗎?

是外來詞,在德語中也是Restaurant,而且發音完全按照法語來,比如最後的子音不發音,說明是來自於法語的外來詞,而且在德語中來自法語的外來詞通常按照法語的讀音來讀,這些詞在詞典中也會註明音標。 孟話英語 何止是restaurant,英語單詞實際上基本都是外來詞。在1066年諾曼征服之前,不列顛島...