
時間 2021-06-01 12:58:31


pulp的《common people》,最愛這段奮不顧身的感覺

I took her to a supermarket

I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere, so it started there.

I said pretend you've got no money, she just laughed and said oh you're so funny.

I said yeah? Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here.

Are you sure you want to live like common people

You want to see whatever common people see

You want to sleep with common people,

you want to sleep with common people like me.

But she didn't understand, she just smiled and held my hand.

Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job.

Smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school.

But still you'll never get it right

'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall

If you call your Dad he could stop it all.

You'll never live like common people

You'll never do what common people do

You'll never fail like common people





最已陣 當我躺在媽媽懷裡的時候,常對著月亮甜甜地笑。它是我的好朋友,不管心裡有多煩惱。只要月光照在我身上,心兒像白雲飄呀飄。只要月光照在我身上,心兒像白雲靜靜地飄呀飄。當我守在祖國邊防線的時候,常對著月亮靜靜地瞧。它像媽媽的笑臉,不管心裡有多煩惱。只要月光照在我身上,心兒像白雲飄呀飄。只要月光照在我...


夭夭 豈曰無衣?與子同袍。王於興師,修我戈矛。與子同仇!豈曰無衣?與子同澤。王於興師,修我矛戟。與子偕作!豈曰無衣?與子同裳。王於興師,修我甲兵。與子偕行! 黍離 彼黍離離,彼稷之苗。行邁靡靡,中心搖搖。知我者,謂我心憂 不知我者,謂我何求。悠悠蒼天,此何人哉?彼黍離離,彼稷之穗。行邁靡靡,中心如醉...


Schu 我來說乙個 Du Pre Barenboim Zukerman演奏的柴可夫斯基Piano Trio in A minor,Op.50 1972年6月31日,以色列電台,現場錄音 三人的配合真是沒得挑剔,尤其是大提琴和小提琴的配合。舉個栗子 第二樂章的主題 Andante con moto ...