丹妮莉絲 坦格利安(龍女)在不朽之殿看到的一切,分別意味著什麼?

時間 2021-05-31 02:34:31

1樓:Leeres Wort


The Undying were all around her, blue and cold, whispering as they reached for her, pulling, stroking, tugging at her clothes, touching her with their dry cold hands, twining their fingers through her hair. All the strength had left her limbs. She could not move.

Even her heart had ceased to beat. She felt a hand on her bare breast, twisting her nipple. Teeth found the soft skin of her throat.

A mouth descended on one eye, licking, sucking, biting . . .





第三個是冒煙的塔,石獸吐出陰影之火。注意不是龍,而是獸:great stone beast。


In his dream he was climbing again, pulling himself up an ancient windowless tower, his fingers forcing themselves between blackened stones

The gargoyles watched him ascend. Their eyes glowed red as hot coals in a brazier. Perhaps once they had been lions, but now they were twisted and grotesque.

Bran could hear them whispering to each other in soft stone voices terrible to hear. He must not listen, he told himself, he must not hear, so long as he did not hear them he was safe. But when the gargoyles pulled themselves loose from the stone and padded down the side of the tower to where Bran clung, he knew he was not safe after all.



由於本部分屬於「烈火新娘」,是第二次結婚,那必然和西茨達拉有關。從目前的資訊來看彌林應該是贏了,而前來求婚的維克塔利昂有乾掉他的充足動機。所以掛在船頭的應該就是他,而灰色的臉帶微笑,應該是意指grey joy,葛雷喬伊。



丹妮莉絲 坦格利安(龍女)在不朽之殿被告知會經歷三次背叛,一次為血,一次為財,一次為愛,分別是哪件事?

南若初 看了樓上幾位同學的分析,僅對三匹坐騎發表一點不同看法。三匹坐騎也可能指的是三條龍 卓耿 one to bed,因馬王Drogo而命名的龍,所以為床笫 韋賽里昂 one to dread,因二哥而命名的龍,被夜王所操控亦是 恐怖 雷戈 one to love,因大哥及夭折的兒子而命名的龍,紀念...

丹妮莉絲 坦格利安與瓊恩 雪諾是什麼關係?

輩分都知道了,姑侄 不過瓊恩是比丹妮大幾個月的,錯誤的春天時間線順下來,最開始有雷加離開極樂塔返回君臨,此時萊安娜已經懷上了。再有奈德離開凱特琳,這時候是羅柏懷上了,不光丹妮,其實瓊恩是羅柏的表哥,所以後來瓊恩長得比羅柏快奈德扯了點私生子長得比較快來搪塞凱特琳。之後戰爭結束,瓊恩已經被奈德帶回臨冬城...


Bubbles 在前兩季演技打底,後來就嚴重掉隊。即使是開掛般的故事線也拯救不了龍媽,反而襯托出這個角色的單薄形象,可怕的是,目測演員艾公尺莉亞要這樣糊弄到故事結束。 朝聞道 演技什麼的在權遊裡確實不算好,畢竟對比真的太明顯 但是最近確實在進步吧,怎麼說,艾公尺利亞克拉克基本上把我心目中的龍媽演了出...