
時間 2021-11-01 15:09:30




一首是拜倫的Fare Thee Well;


Fare thee well! thus disunited,

Torn from every nearer tie,

Sear'd in heart, and lone, and blighted,

More than this I scarce can die.



當然,也有可能是拜倫更為知名的When We Two Parted;



In secret we met--

In silence I grieve,

That thy heart could forget,

Thy spirit deceive.

If I should meet thee

After long years,

How should I greet thee?--

With silence and tears.

下面即為Fare thee well的全文:

478. Fare Thee Well

George Gordon, Lord Byron(1788–1824)

FARE thee well! and if for ever,

Still for ever, fare thee well:

Even though unforgiving, never

'Gainst thee shall my heart rebel.

Would that breast were bared before thee 5

Where thy head so oft hath lain,

While that placid sleep came o'er thee

Which thou ne'er canst know again:

Would that breast, by thee glanced over,

Every inmost thought could show! 10

Then thou wouldst at last discover

'Twas not well to spurn it so.

Though the world for this commend thee—

Though it smile upon the blow,

Even its praises must offend thee, 15

Founded on another's woe:

Though my many faults defaced me,

Could no other arm be found,

Than the one which once embraced me,

To inflict a cureless wound? 20

Yet, oh yet, thyself deceive not;

Love may sink by slow decay,

But by sudden wrench, believe not

Hearts can thus be torn away:

Still thine own its life retaineth, 25

Still must mine, though bleeding, beat;

And the undying thought which paineth

Is—that we no more may meet.

These are words of deeper sorrow

Than the wail above the dead; 30

Both shall live, but every morrow

Wake us from a widow'd bed.

And when thou wouldst solace gather,

When our child's first accents flow,

Wilt thou teach her to say 'Father!' 35

Though his care she must forego?

When her little hands shall press thee,

When her lip to thine is press'd,

Think of him whose prayer shall bless thee,

Think of him thy love had bless'd! 40

Should her lineaments resemble

Those thou never more may'st see,

Then thy heart will softly tremble

With a pulse yet true to me.

All my faults perchance thou knowest, 45

All my madness none can know;

All my hopes, where'er thou goest,

Wither, yet with thee they go.

Every feeling hath been shaken;

Pride, which not a world could bow, 50

Bows to thee—by thee forsaken,

Even my soul forsakes me now:

But 'tis done—all words are idle—

Words from me are vainer still;

But the thoughts we cannot bridle 55

Force their way without the will.

Fare thee well! thus disunited,

Torn from every nearer tie,

Sear'd in heart, and lone, and blighted,

More than this I scarce can die.


宅行僧 五個角度,層層相襲。1 筆下分明。作者要表達的意思一定要容易理解,沒有生僻的小眾用語。2 如在眼前。一定要有最貼切的細節描寫,讓人覺得音容聲色樣兒俱在眼前,最快的把你拉到他要表達的氛圍中間。3 感同身受。此情此景此心,世人共有,則最易動人。4 眼前一亮。作者如能做到他人所沒有的 蒙太奇 聯想...


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