
時間 2021-05-31 22:18:12




極好和急壞的人造就了歷史, 平凡的大眾繁衍了種族。

I changed my mind after reading the following passage.

"Human memory is finite and human reasoning is limited. Students of history can understand only so much. As a result, we tend to simplify.

One way we simplify is through hero worship, by conflating significant individuals with the community of knowledge they represent. Instead of understanding the enormous complexity that goes along with multiple people pursuing multiple aims and trying to remember all of it—an impossible task—we wrap events up into a little ball and associate them with a single individual. Not only does that allow us to ignore vast amounts of gory detail, but also it allows us to tell a story.

The story of the great individual』s life becomes a surrogate for the complex web of interpersonal relationships and events that constitute a community. We do it when we think about politics, entertainment, and science. We substitute individual stories for the truth.

The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone"




萱大哥 歧視?那要看是什麼性質的歧視了。不,我說錯了,所有的歧視都是乙個性質。只要是 歧視 就不會起到正面的作用,只有 挫折 才是。歧視不一定會推動進步,但一定會傷害到人,歧視造成的傷害要麼扼殺了乙個人的所有,要麼使他舔著傷口,拔劍站起,迎向風暴。後者少之又少,這種傷害太大了,尤其是語言暴力。 賾實...


lh2 0 第二節戰爭的目的在於消滅戰爭戰爭 這個人類互相殘殺的怪物,人類社會的發展終久要把它消滅的,而且就在不遠的將來會要把它消滅的。但是消滅它的方法只有乙個,就是用戰爭反對戰爭,用革命戰爭反對反革命戰爭,用民族革命戰爭反對民族反革命戰爭,用階級革命戰爭反對階級反革命戰爭。歷史上的戰爭,只有正義的...


性隨意是退步,因為這種歪風邪氣不知道拆散了多少家庭,坑害了多少個體。以前一家人和睦,如今呵呵 而且以前的hiv可沒有今天這麼多。 與社會進步與否沒有直接關係用馬斯洛理論分析 性 屬於最底層的生理需要。而 愛 屬於歸屬需求。所以不是文明規範人性慾望,而當人的生理需求得到滿足,人的需求層級自然開始遞增,...