溫哥華的Sir Winston Churchill Secondary 是所什麼樣的高中?

時間 2021-06-09 21:40:20


Churchill is a great school, highly recommended especially if you want to go the preIB/IB route. That said, you need to fix your social anxiety while you still can! I went through the same phase when I was your age, but decided to not deal with it, and it got worse and worse until I had absolutely 0 friends, and I would be alone in my room for months at a time without meeting anyone.

I'm turning 27 and never had a girlfriend.

Don't be like me! fix your social anxiety! It's much more important than any scholastic achievement.


溫斯頓邱吉爾中學和Britannia Secondary School一樣是唯一的兩所國際中學畢業會考學校,並且也是溫哥華地區三所提供法語沉浸式教學的中學之一


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