Lua 為什麼陣列下標從 1 開始?

時間 2021-06-01 14:17:12

1樓:Dionysos lai


起始,原因並沒有像大家猜測的那樣。在官網lua-users wiki: Lua Faq和非非官網Lua Unofficial FAQ (uFAQ)都提到過這個問題。


1.5.1 Why do Lua arrays count from one?

Oddly, the thing that really gets some people overexcited is that in Lua array indices count from one.

In mathematical notation array indices count from one, and so does Lua. In other words, they are not offsets.

The historical reason (see The Evolution of Lua) is that Lua evolved to solve engineering needs at the Brazillian state oil company (Petrobras). It was designed for engineers who were not professional programmers and more likely to be used to FORTRAN.

You can make your arrays start with zero, but the standard library functions (such as table.concat) will not recognise the zeroth entry. And # will return the size minus one.

t = -- table constructor is a little clunky

for i = 0,#t do print(i,t[i]) end -- not 0,#t-1 !








所以,最小的一位數是1, 最小的兩位數11, 最小的三位數是111?


隨手貼個笑話...Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.

5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration.

如何看待matlab陣列下標從1開始,for迴圈 ifelse 語句也和其他語言不同?

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