通過usmle step考試後如何成功match外科?

時間 2021-12-27 01:16:08




Do not be misguided by a single case. I am pretty sure there are many great people and great talent out there in IMGs that just need a chance to become successful. Personally, I got a RTM offer from a highly competitive surgical specialty ( not neurosurgery) during my match year and I did not take the offer.

But this does not mean other IMGs can get as lucky as me. You should study US medical system more. In US, general surgery is considered relatively inferior (I mean no offense) comparing to other specialties.

If you study the ranking result, it is quite obvious that Gen Surgery resident has lower USMLE test score. The difference become more obvious after you finish your residency. In short, you earn less.

However, it is a tradition that Gen Surgery does not like IMGs. I do not know exactly why, but I do think the ability of communication under stress with patients is a big disadvantage for IMGs. I consider myself very close to native English speaker, and still I am not quite sure if I can handle situations properly.

Taking an IMG for general surgery is a high risk and maybe high reward method for general surgery department. And to be frank, many institutes do not want this type of risk and there is very limited reward they can get.

Since I needed an intern year for my current residency, I also got a RTM from a prelim surgery program. I did not take it either. What I can tell you is do not get into Prelim Surgery unless there is no other way.

If you really make up your mind to join general surgery, there are a few things that might help.

2. Native speaker level spoken English will help you a lot during interview.

3. Network, Network, Network.

4. Perfect interview skills.

These things helped me.




外科本身是外國醫學生很難MATCH的專業方向,但是最近幾年國際生確實有增多趨勢,1是因為USMD自己放棄,中途放棄的多 2是因為國際醫學生的吃苦耐勞,而且比較好的臨床表現。


1、step1和step2ck 240分以上,當然step2ck250分以上更好;step2ck一次過










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