
時間 2021-12-23 02:24:14


(1) CUT OFF WORDS. This is something native English speakers often do. It』s casual and not too professional.

But it』s conversational and natural-sounding English.

Example: "good talking to you" instead of "it was good talking to you"

(2) SHORTEN WORDS. The most common examples are congrats (congratulations), thanks (thank you), totes (totally)

(3) UNDERSTAND HINTS. 「It』s so cold!」 This can mean it』s really just cold.

But it can also be trying to hint at closing the window or turning the air conditioning off.

(4) DETECT SARCASM. Native English speakers will know how to inject sarcasm in their words and sentences. 「Oh yeah, it』s so cold」 could actually mean that it is hot outside!

(5) CONNECT SOUNDS. In the first video dedicated to this topic, we were talking about how hard it is to know when one word stops and another one starts because native speakers connect them together. For example, you will hear English speakers saying "Coudjou help me?

" instead of "Could you help me?"

(7) "NO PROB" INSTEAD OF "NO PROBLEM". This is an example of a shortened phrase. "No prob" is short for "no problem".

And native English speakers are big in using this.




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