
時間 2021-05-09 07:02:37


African American Vernacular English (or Ebonics) can be really hard to understand, but it's a rich part of the English language.

For an academic reference, you can check out the Wikipedia article African American Vernacular English

The useful tables from the article are,

Other common features include,

ain'tinstead of not, isn't, aren't. (This ain't yo dog. = This isn't your dog.)

double negativedropping 'to be'(Where you at? = Where are you?) (You fine!

= You look good!)

dropping -s or 's endings(He got ups. = He jumps really high.)

Then there's the multitude of alternate definitions for commonplace words.

He sobad! = He's so cool!

What updog! = Hey, what's up!

That socrazy! = That's awesome!

A good example of African American Vernacular English in literature is Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

The language is so thick that the first time I read it, I had to reread the first 30 pages to understand the story.

There's also a funny Ebonic translator online Chef/Jive/ValSpeak. Select the "Jive" option and hit run. It kind of works.


已登出 我去,一問這個問題我想你就沒有打過架。要打架還要什麼技巧,就像真的要殺人,用的了刀麼,筷子鑰匙都是可以的。不知道你在美國是留學還是什麼,如果在美國打工什麼的,怕什麼,幹了就跑回來,能抓的到你,還不是無頭案件,抓你乙個人美國警察還派人到中國來麼。中美又沒有引渡條約的,再說美國那邊又不是我們這邊...


一匹脫肛的逗比 給你舉個例子,我在美國大學的英語課上聽老師放了一首黑人rap,聽完後旁邊的白人小哥湊過來問我聽懂了嗎?我心說雖然乙個字都沒聽懂但是氣場不能弱啊!就說聽懂了一點,他就特驚訝地看著我說 I didn t even get one f king word 我笑而不語 Neil 俚語詞彙量足...


你好 在美國貧民窟地區一般是按街區劃分勢力範圍,比如A街有個幫派,B街有個幫派,你出生在A街,如果他們兩個幫派不是敵對還好,如果是敵對,你跑去跟他們的人玩就算他們不打你也會懷疑你,因為你畢竟是從a街來的人,然後你回a街又會被懷疑是snitch,所以肯定是在a街跟他們混,迫不得已,其實大部分說唱歌手只...